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Despite it being a shorter update, it was still an interesting read. I really hope things start to turn around for the MC and Lyall soon though.

Deleted post

If I have to be honest the last few updates started to lose me a bit.(Lyre was definitely at least in my top 3).But the chapter 10 part 3 reminded me why I love Lyre with the little memory stuff with Lyall. And now I'm once again really excited for more and can't wait for Richter to be out of that dingy place and reunite with his love.


Thank you for sticking with the story. The dungeon arc is there for a reason and i think everyone will appreciate it more once everything is said and done.


just finished it, and the worst thing I could possibly say about this VN is the fact I have to wait over a month for more! Really enjoyed it and will be supporting on Patreon in the near future. Just need more as soon as possible.  Also little suggestions(not that I’m an experienced writer or anything) but keeping the whole “Gods” thing away from the story is preferable. IMO the Parents from Adastra were really bad writing wise and I hated them, this feels very very similar  I would hate for them to turn into a one stop shop for fake out deaths and cop outs.  That said: please keep up the good work and hurry your ass up on chapter 11 😄!

(2 edits) (+11)

The God tends to not interfere on much, any miracles or crazy things are completely up to the MC and will be scarce. You dont have to worry on that.

Chapter 11 will take a while. It's a big one. Chapter 10 Part 3 will release in a couple weeks.


can’t wait!


definitely looking forward to the continuation<3


I really love this vn :3

I have some theory who might be the killer, i might be wrong tho xP

Deleted 1 year ago

Im glad you liked it so much! Lyall is a little bit goofy haha. I plan on doing a revamp of all of the sprites once it is done, but ill still probably make him look a little goofy.

Deleted 1 year ago

Had a fantastic time playing this so far, and I'm very excited to see where this will go in the future! Keep up the good work :)


I love this VN!, just came back from finishing Chapter 10 part 1 and OMG thankyou for releasing part 2, I've fell in love with this story!, I am soooo hook!, keep up the amazing work!


Nice, chapter 10 part 2 is out and was a neat little read, there's a part in Lyall's dialogue where its supposed to be a action or monologue in his thoughts from a third person perspective rather than the usual talking quotes. Otherwise I like this update, and the android logo got updated too which is awesome, keep it up.


Yeah, someone has pointed that out >u< It will be changed with the next build.


Holy moly Part two is out already!? 😃😃😃


Hi, i really enjoyed the book/VN so far! Every 13 hours and 9 minutes of it :) thank you for writing it and all but now it's 2 am i must sleep but i HAD to finish it for some reason. The plot is very interesting and all the art is amazing as well. I look forward to whats next a lott


Wow, I've been putting this story off for a while figuring it'd just be another linear romance story without anything interesting. I've been pleasantly surprised and humbled, the last 3-4 chapters have raised the stakes, and my interest in the story has me hooked now, good job with all this.

Can't wait to see what you do with part 2 and the other chapters, you got a neat little thing going on that's underrated and unique in the VN department.


Thank you! I look forward to being able to release more.

(1 edit) (+4)(-8)

I wish this were an actual game, not just an experience. The game presents itself as something I can actually have agency in, but it's just Adastra in a different setting without the illusion of choice.
It's not bad and tells a good story, but "you" are not traveling anywhere. This story has nothing to do with "you." This story is a story. No choices, no game,  just what I said before. An experience.


I see where you're coming from, but you have to remember, it's a visual "novel". A linear one at that. I'm using the Renpy format to write books essentially. I'm sorry there's not choices, but I have a very specific story I want to tell with these books. I have plans to release other novels with a lot more agency and choices in the future, but for now I'm going to keep Lyre very linear.

(2 edits) (+2)(-7)

Could you, at the very least, gravitate away from the whole “you” aspect of things? It’s very misleading. The story is engaging, but it isn’t about the player and would be best not represented as such. The “avatar” doesn't feel like an avatar and clearly isn’t meant to be.


I understand what youre saying, but the main character is not meant to be a blank slate that the reader is able to throw themselves onto. However, the reader is still able to name the MC and pretend they're someone they aren't. Thats why a lot of people read novels. They wish to escape reality and experience a story, whether it be from their own perspective, or the perspective of others.

If it helps, the description for the novel will be undergoing changes soon in order to better represent what it's about. It is a bit outdated and was made back when I wished to keep things hidden so as to not spoil. I only wished to give a general idea.

But the idea that the avatar could be an object for the readers own perspective and role in this world is staying. There are many self-insert characters in media who are nothing like their readers and have agency over their own decisions. It's their experiences and morals that bind them to us.

(4 edits) (+1)(-4)

They don't have to be a blank slate. I'm sure everyone is tired of the generic "white boy" MC in a furry game who has very quippy dialogue. I understand what you mean, but the type of self-insert character you are going for is usually new to the world or situation they are in. They are discovering it with us or are directly meant to represent the reader/viewer in how they'd think or try to navigate the story they are in. Examples are Johnny Cage from Mortal Combat and Randy Meeks from the original Scream movie. Those characters may not be like the reader, but they still think as we would. An average human with no connections or powers is thrown into a world of magic where the faith of everything they once knew is placed on their shoulders and a bunch of people they don't even know, but hey, now you've got freaking superpowers! Or, a horror movie fan was thrown into a horror movie situation saying everything we are shouting at the screen to the point of even calling out the killer way before their reveal. They can exist, but they are relatable and react to the new situations they are thrown into as the audience or a fan would. I don't feel that with the "player character"  of this game. Yes, all 3 have their own lives before the story we are presented, but your character acts just as their own person. And sure, that could be similar to Randy Meeks, but in his story, he says things fans of horror movies would say cause he's the surrogate. While your character is brilliant and well-versed in the world's rules like he is, we as an audience are not familiar with those rules like how we would be with the horror movie genre in Scream. Almost nothing needs explaining to them, and even when introduced to something you think they'd be unfamiliar with, they know more about it than the reader does. They don't do or react as a fan of these media types would but maybe once, and they are very familiar with their role in the world. Spoilers, when first introduced to what is essentially magic towards the latter half of the current story. They don't act as a vehicle for the audience to it. The character even always knows more than most think they would and is called out on how clever they are multiple times. Like, if they were unfamiliar with how the political sphere of being a foreign dignitary worked and were in the library constantly studying to pass off a feeling of competence or something, or was winging it and having the cast misinterpret their improv as genius by getting something very insightful from it that'd work. Though that wouldn't necessarily fit with the mood at first, with how drastically the tone shifts during the introduction of deities, it wouldn't be a stretch. 

The description being overhauled would undoubtedly be a welcome change. As it stands, it feels like it's advertising a different thing, and that cheapened the experience of what I was reading. The entire time I was waiting to see if I'd have any say in how to shape future events. I wondered if I could spend more time with the prince to see the side of him that other characters claim exists. I wondered if I could talk to certain characters to get a better feel for how the world looks through the eyes of someone who sees it as a more hostile environment. Instead, I wasn't given any of that. I was given a rather intriguing story I never once felt like I had entered into. I will not stop complimenting the story. It is delivered very well and certainly got me to read and re-read it, but I never felt any sense of other characters being smarter than the protag. Most seem to trust them and are surprisingly open. After playing this novel twice, the entire synopsis feels like it's only about one person, and you don't interact with them enough to even feel like they are trying to deceive you. It just feels like they never give you the entire story because they don't fully trust you. The romance isn't even unlikely. They are the character you spend the most time with, and never once does the character even question themselves on how they could have feelings for them. The lore even plays it off as if it's natural where they come from, and only in Lyre is it seemingly unnatural. It's self-evident they were meant to be the main romance from the get-go, which is partly why I was hoping to see if there were choices to branch out and get to know other characters. Because, again, the synopsis makes it feel like you can do that.
Honestly, if the synopsis is left as written, literally any other character being a romance option would make it feel more unlikely of a romance than what we end up getting. Imagine the scandal of two foreign dignitaries both befalling tragic events before their trips falling for each other while never feeling like they can ever fully trust one another. Indeed, if word through the court spread that they seemed relatively close, people would feel like their respective countries were trying to pull something shady against Lyre by controlling the crown.
Or imagine the story of the king's advisor who was smitten with the man he worked for, and somehow the king had feelings for someone beneath him whom he knew he couldn't ever be with due to how weak it'd make the crown seem. And to be later framed for their secret lovers' murder. The romance would be unexpected and go to a place you don't see visual novels ever go. Usually, they end when either of the romance options dies after all. Cause that's the fail state, that is the bad ending. But getting justice for the man you should never have loved? That'd be an exciting end goal.
Even if the romance were the prince, it would be interesting and unexpected with how he acts (though he'd likely have to be two years older because if I got the context clues right, he's 16. Even though adulthood in fantasy settings is usually more flexible, it wouldn't work with how most modern societies see things, bar places like Japan, Italy, Germany, Portugal, and some U.S. States). How would he feel if the person he had feelings for was the prime suspect in his father's murder? One of the people he slowly began to feel vulnerable around might've just been using him from the get-go to advance their political agenda in his eyes. That'd be an intriguing story.

I apologize. I lost myself. What I mean is I would have never thought that these would be possibilities if the synopsis were not written like it currently is (as of 1/11/2023).


Honestly you raise some decent points, I for one (who isn't Caucasian to begin with) isn't tired of the whole white MC thing that's been going on lately in recent vns which is actually a decent change. Most furry vns over the decades have been just that, mostly antros without any other non-fur variety and it was getting old to me at least.

Yes things aren't fully explained but that's the cool thing you get to connect the dots. I was surprised when the scene of the map appeared in Lyalls room, there's lore drops/snippets here and there. Making for the reader to fill in the gaps and guess potential possibilities. I like the being able to think this is a alternate me living in another timeline but the same name in these scenarios and its quite enjoyable.

People aren't always going to be satisfied with the work you do, but he's made something pretty neat so far.

Deleted 1 year ago

Part 2 come out on the 14th :D

Deleted 1 year ago

Question before I start playing (though I might start playing before this is answered lol) how many romance options are there in this game? Or is it somewhat like "Adastra" or "FBTW" with only the one love-interest? Either way it sounds great judging by both the comments and the few pictures I can see on this page!! 😁


Just the one


Thanks! I'm definitely gonna give it a read lol


Read part 1 of the new chapter and as before was hooked immediately. I love the extra detail provided in each chapter thus far because it really allows me to visualize the story. The plot also continues to get thicker and thicker providing for an extremely entertaining and juicy story. Atmac you have out done yourself and you are clearly very passionate about this visual novel and I respect and support every bit of it. Thank you for creating this amazing novel, I can't wait for more! 



happy new year 😉


Is the end coming soon? Is the story close to completion? How many chapters will there be in total?


The story is not close to completion, thats all I can answer.


First time reading Lyre and it is quite something, didn't expect the events in the later parts of part 1, but they were great. Can't wait for part 2!


WOW. I haven’t read for a bit, so I thought it was a good time to hop back in to this story. Super excited for Part 2!! I have my eye on you Liz and Kadaj…

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Nooo, the blade is from...

Please let it not be our cute cat, please let it not be our cute cat, please let it not be our cute cat, please let it not be our cute cat, please let it not be our cute cat, please let it not be our cute cat, please let it not be our cute cat, please let it not be our cute cat :c


I love this <3


I'm very interested in the full update 10. Detective Lyall takes over :p


And does more in two hours than everyone else has in two weeks


Wow. That was a heck of an update... I'm looking forward to part two...


thank you so much I have been waiting to read more of this vn thank you Atmac so much you do not understand how much I grateful for this


Hello Atmac hope you're doing well. 🙂


Aaaaaa Lyall my beloved


Just curious, approximately how many chapters will there be in total? 


I cant say for sure yet, it's a surprise.


i don't like it when we're in action with someone and talking to them during 69 😂


Today marks the 69th day since chapter 9 came out. I find that interesting.


The funny number!!!




Is this completed?


Not yet. There's 9 chapters out so far with a 10th coming soon.


Thank you

Also are there any nsfw?


Yes, there is a small amount of NSFW.


That 'll work for me it's time to get trauma I mean to download

Deleted 3 days ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Yep. If youre being accused, and your only defense is "trust me", you cant be sure if someone would actually trust you. Theres always that vague "yes, i trust you", but we can never know. But seeing directly from his pov really show that he does care, and im glad...

Hope it made sense (english is hard ,_,)


Hi atmac here's a fan of yours... 😉


I jus downloaded 1.16 and the previous saves were not working and cause error, how should i fix this???


Download 1.17.1 and use the chapter select to reach the point you were at in the game. The latest versions of renpy have been a bit buggy and saves being lost is a regular occurence. If you wish to unlock CGs and music again, use the skip unseen text option and skip through the VN up to the point you left off on.


Thnx, guess I'll just start from the beginning then (;


i really like the vn just keep going atmac nice work!😉


Definitely will be keeping up with the updates for this one, amazing work.

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