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Hi! I read the lyre and fell in love with it. Looking at Dryz I saw the poem on the page and wrote this one. Hope you like it. The poem might include spoilers.

(English isn’t my main language so there might be some spelling or grammatical mistakes, any correction is appreciated)

A river of red, by madness spread, 

Will the truth cleanse what has been bled? 

Or the will of the new king tear through the night, 

To bury this scar out of mortal sight?


The heavens may weep, their torrents fall,

Yet even God alone cannot cleanse it all.

The lovers cry out, but the stain remains, 

Etched in silence, bounded by chains.


Will the flames arise, devouring the land, 

With antlers of fire, with a scorching hand?

And when the ash settles, as soft as snow,

Will he recall the wrongs he sowed?

For blood once spilled is a tale long told, 

And neither storm nor fire can make it gone…


Very nice!


One of the most amazing things I've read! The mysteries keep me on the edge of my seat, and I adore looking forward to what's going to happen to Richter and Lyall! The balance of suspense, darkness, and sweetness makes following our heroes (and villains) that much more interesting. Plus, Richter and Lyall are just so sweet together, so what's not to love?

Thank you for putting in such great work, and I look forward to what's being cooked up in the future! :D

Thank you!


impossibly good VN, especially the music


It made me cry.


How dare you make me cry like this. Absolutely beautiful VN down to every facet - art, music, story, all phenomenal. Thank you so much for this.


after reading everything 3 to 4 months ago i completely forgot to leave a comment but uh when i saw the Lyre VN i said to myself "ugh this visual novel is gonna be terrible" i started reading through it and i deeply regret saying it was i mean the music,the images and how the story started and ended was completely amazing and i can't stop to listen to most of its song if i had to choose i would say lyre would be a very good VN to read first before any other


God damn am I excited for Dryz. I already like dark stuff, but aside from that, all of the characters are really good. I like Elizabeth, Lyall, the bird doctor guy, and a lot more characters. Also, I can't wait to beat Adrius' ass in the sequel. Awesome VN, 10/10.

Thank you so much!

(2 edits) (+1)

i just finished reading it and oh boy it was gorgeous the music,the art,the bg and pretty much the rest of it 

is it weird that i love them being together? they're just so adorable 

really looking forward on the next sequel!


Thank you!


Lord Richter of Eryn: agreeable INTJ

Lyall Reed: ESFJ with developed Ne

King Adrius Ossian of Lyre: ISTP with developed Se and Fe

King Raynar Ossian of Lyre: disagreeable ESFJ with developed Si

Elizabeth Rene of Rosewind: INTJ with developed Te

Lord Kadaj of Drys: ENFJ with developed Ni

Leif: agreeable ISTJ


I dont know what this mean but i agree with this man


Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe this novel, it is beyond words i'm afraid, truly a work of art.


Atmac, you are not allowed to say you are bad at writing these stories.  I am in love with your characters and am fully invested in their future.  The years of love you put into this piece have produced a true work of art.

Augustovich's music perfectly complemented everything.

I will be backing you on Patreon for the rest of this series.  Kind regards,


pretty epic but also the "logo" is lyall but mid-way through the story, adrius is the main focus but he is on the "logo" for the 2nd book, i just thought that was funny but also tis pretty fun


I finished this masterpiece today and i have no words it's just incredibly amazing, i'm so excited for what to comes next! Again i have no words to explain how beautiful and well writen this story is, i loved all the characters and hopefully my beloveds have an happy ending! (Except Adrius) I'll be looking forward and wish you all the luck and success for the next stories, i know they will be as wonderful and amazing as this one!! <33

Thank you for reading!

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