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(1 edit) (+3)

I NEEEED to know what happens next gahhhh. The entire team has outdone it's self in the respect of a story that has beyond shattered my already high expectations from the very second i opened the game with a menu that moved and had music which i just kind of sat and listened to all the way through before even starting the game just because it was that good of music. There are a few typos here and there and a small glitch just around the NSFW scene before the current end when you scroll back on PC that stops the music entirely unless you go all the way back to the panel when the music began and click next again. but over all 9/10 and on part with my favorites like Far Beyond The World and Adastra and Echo. I am invested and await more chapters with baited breath.


I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. The reason it glitches like that is because I had to play that audio in a sound format instead of a music format so it wouldn't repeat. I did this so that the music would crescendo at the kiss and then fade out.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ah that makes sense, it worked really well regardless of me being a fast reader though the fade out hit a couple panels early so curious if it would make more sense or be possible to synthetically match the ending music over the last 4 or so panels instead of the nearly whole song, that way no matter the speed of the reader it will match way closer. like slow fade the current music at the last few and work in a somewhat slow crescendo with maybe a kiss soundbyte built in. though may not be worth all the work that would take. in any case this is totally one of my top Visual Novels now and can't wait for merch to show up for it some day. Thanks for working on such an emotional and awesome project.


I'm really glad that you've taken such an interest in this VN. Just so you know, on my Discord server, I had a merch survey a few months ago...

So there's that ;)


This VN is very well developed. First of all, I love the music made by both producers. I'm sorry for your loss but I'm sure you've heard that plenty so excuse me for that. The plot is amazing, and I love it so far. I'm sad that I didn't play this earlier when it first came out, but I'm glad I got to time to play it now. 

Can't wait for the next update and take time for yourself every now and then. Don't stress over too much!


Damn, this VN is so good. Got me genuinely invested in the characters and left me waiting for more. I literally just created an account to give it 5 stars lol.


Oh my god. This Visual Novel is amazing. I cannot express how much I enjoyed reading this. From the funny moments, to the emberssing ones up to the dark scenes. It all just fit so good together. Oh and in almost every pic lyall has a really cute expression. It is a very well done visual novel that I would totally support if I had the money. <3


Atmac, you've outdone yourself with this vn. keep up the good work :)


The android build is now fixed! 

Thank you for fixing it! 

(4 edits) (+4)

Idk i found this unnatural.

1. MC just get inside king chamber without knocking first? Thats just impolite just because he use close term call? From what i know medieval nobless have to always ask permission (in this case to get inside the king's private chamber *knock the door and annouce your arrival*)  before doing somethin that has something to do with each other and more if it has somethin to do with higher class and most of all get inside private chamber even you has the invitation, it can be regard as intrusion or insolence in nobless law itself can be punishable by death.

2. MC is suppose to be smart, but maybe because of shock he is still asking why he got accused?


Yeah MC isn't perfect.

Also it's because of the shock.


To be fair, we are not in a scenario where someone just got assassinated and had the gall to get their blood all over us. It's not a situation many people will be thinking logically in. The more concerning thing is that the king was killed with little to no sound coming from the chamber, as the guards weren't roused to action. This could mean a multitude of things, but I would be willing to wager the killer was someone he knew. 

(2 edits) (+1)

It like irl, PPL get into shock they start do thing they shouldn't doing or froze in place front of cause the shock if they aren't train for it. Just saying. Soon as they snap out if, it would like WTF?!

(1 edit) (+4)

Love the new update, noticed a typo. Keep up the good work! 


I've also been told that I can be a bit intimidating.

Simpler form:

I've been told that I can be intimidating.


Odly enough i havent had any problems with installation, im on a huawei p smart z and its been great, i did have to uninstall the last update to get it to work, but with the knowledge to move around save files this is really easy, Same problem that Cayden _blue_wolf had



The Story is the Best one I've read so far, but the events are lining up on the story gets so wholesome in the first half, BUT I never expected the Death of the King though, I couldn't process this information because so much was told in one sitting, I'm loving the story, Hope the Creator is doing alright

( ˘▽˘)っ♨     ⸂⸂⸜(രᴗര๑)⸝⸃⸃


Oddly, I am using a Samsung A11 but it still doesn't download with the older update.


It installed when I reinstalled it though


The update seems to have fix the issues for me.



I'm not sure if it's intentional, but I like how attention is drawn specifically to Raynar's hooves during the ball scene, and then later on, when Richter enters Raynar's room, his hooves are the first thing we see of his body.

I've been waiting for 6 days for this to get fixed but apperantly it's still not

Again, pls look into it

I might be able to offer some assistance  I tried using another installer to download the Android version giving me actual error messages turns out the signature of the update and original are different so to fix this for now, atleast what's worked for me 1. uninstall the old app 2.  Then try to install it  I used XAPKS installer but I'm sure the system one should work fine then skip through the story you've already seen 

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm working on it.

Renpy Android builds are always buggy, so please be patient.


Idk why but I thought this was funny, Spoilers of course.

Richter: "I dont understand, why do they think it was me?"

Lyall: "Babe pls you literally were in the room when it happened with guards guarding the door, the body being freshly killed, and you have blood soaked on you. Not to mention ONLY YOU could of gotten in here, what are you talking about."

Chapter was amazing as always! Also I hope you're doing alright.


Lyall is asking for his room to be burned down with those candles not on a metal candle holder and close to flamable objects

(1 edit) (+4)

Created an account just to give 5 star for this VN.

All the things I look for in a visual novel are here, beautiful art, great writing and story, a bottom husband (finally!)

I really hope all the best for the creator so he can finish it.

(3 edits) (+2)

I Love This Scene ❤️.

Spoiler alert.

I hope I'm not giving away too much . I have to be honest, I did expect the MC to have Casual spike hair just like Harry Potter on his adolescence. But I guess you have to go Medieval Style like Garet the Witcher, so I guess it fits. 


this is the second time i've read a VN where the MC's love interest is a bottom, well my first one was optional but this one has a power bottom

thank you Atmac, for this amazing visual novel, and Agustovich for the amazing music he made for this game. i hope you're doing ok, and i wish you a happy new year!



WTF from having the most beautiful moment with Lyall to something so gloomy and tragic and everything from one moment to the next, I was not expecting any of that. I can't wait for the next update i need to know more.


>I was not expecting any of that

I honestly felt the actual story didn't even start yet UNTIL this update. Kept talking how the story while cute is a bit boring because there's no conflict etc. Then boom :D


Oooh! An update! By long Build, how long is it?

Usually I wait for 2 to 3 more updates before I play games such as this. I don't mind being left behind as long the game makes up for it


A good 1 1/2 - 2 hour build I'd say. Depends on how fast you read.


next update is gonna be danganronpa update

(1 edit) (+4)

Guess it’s time to collect truth bullets

Edit: Hope our king left a dying message where he wrote a culprit’s name

He mentioned something about wits at the end, maybe he saw that scrawled on a paper?

(2 edits) (+3)(-2)


Wow the new update was a lot to unpack, so many things happened. I was expecting Raynar to kick the bucket but not right now!

I also really appreciate the MC not strictly being the bottom for once, too often it's always the default for the human MC. 


FYI: Lyall is a Bottom.


he is a switch but likes to be a bottom more 


The update appears to still be broken on Android. Can only reach the screen letting you choose your name for a few moments before the game hard crashes. Tried reinstalling, did not fix anything.

(1 edit) (+1)

There is a new update that fixes the problems. It does require a uninstall and then a new install. You will have to copy your saves out before you uninstall. 

The way I got it to work is by using a physical computer mouse. Click at least once, then touch controls will work, however do not unplug the mouse, otherwise it will freeze then crash. Renpy is really sad on mobile, if a developer has to have custom or unsupported events/scripts.


wow... That's really great, i'm happy to read this update, this update make my mood change Happy => Terrivied at the same time, and i can't wait for the next update.


I guess we're now tappy or herrified :D

(1 edit) (+1)

for now i more happy than terrified... nah... 50:50 i guessing next story, maybe we run away or maybe we gonna die. idk, but i got question on my mid... how the maid know the king want to meet us? did the murder was the maid? How Lyall going to save us? idk that only my speculation only.


Why do i see someone that looks like Oswald from Eden's Reach in the ballroom


I know right! I think it was a reference because Eden's reach did that too with the people at the club


question is this game route based or is the story totally linear? 


It is Linear and It is the cute wolf boy you see  everywhere


I cried, I'm still crying...


That was a rollercoaster and I want more of it damn it 




This update made me 5 star the game btw. I kept talking how everything was a bit boring and uneventful for the first few updates but I guess it was all just foreshadowing for this clusterfuck huh :P


oh my dog that was amazing, i absolutely love how the plot is unveiling and cant wait for the next update to come out. Keep up the good work atmac ❤.


This went from yes yes yes to no no no real fast I CAN'T TAKE IT

Deleted 1 year ago

I did it lol.



It can be hard to take VNs too seriously. For example, blood tends to dry a bit quick on cloth. If they examine things more closely they will realize the only bit of blood on the MC is what dripped on his shoulder. If he got him from behind then trying to make that kind of gruesome cut on someone taller than you would be very hard especially if he had to close Raynar's muzzle shut to do it silently. I also feel like he seen this coming which is why he asked the MC to be there for his kid; Maybe they will find something like a note that exonerates him? Because it makes no sense to murder a king for no reason in silence and then tumble as youre running out of there like a total clutz and not a ninja. The dagger or whatever it was was also left at the scene. I think a sniff at it with a wolf species will be able to tell it wasnt touched by Richter. Maybe the design of it would be recognizable, maybe to Lyall if it belongs to that reptile assassin. Why else would it be left at the crime scene if the murderer wanted them to know who done it? [Unless they intended to frame MC from the beginning. In which case we dont have enough info on who the culprit is other than who may have planned it but not did it. If this VN made any sense at all it wont be someone short, weak, or unable to climb/fly like Lief, Liz, or Kadaj. And Adrius will just be another victim here, maybe puppeted. Kadaj as well. He must have seen this coming somehow. Whoever it is is trying to drive a wedge between Lyre and other kingdoms. Someone wants the throne methinks or just to really destabilize Lyre which is perfect for bandits to operate from if the kingdom becomes corrupted. It is all conjecture and we wont know what really happens in this story though. It is up to Atmac and his imagination].


I don't really know. I feel it can be nearly anyone

The bandits that attacked his wife, the suscicious kitty, dead fish eye woman, his son, someone we wouldn't assume like lief.


cat i am calling him out he was blunt af at the dance 


he did it or have someone do it or knows the killer i think he did not want idk big if bit did not want the human to take the blame but did want  he king  killed

(1 edit)

Oddly I can't install the apk file in the android version, it says File not downloaded

I had to unninstall the game first irc

I think the android version has a problem, I cant download it


It was good and an interesting chapter 

Besides of that I found a missing e 

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