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(1 edit) (+1)

I absolutely loved this VN! I binged read for the past four days and I'm absolutely in love with this series. As a writer myself, I applaud the author for making great complex characters and having good pacing throughout the story. The universe is interesting and I'm eager to learn more about Dryz and see Richter and Lyall's relationship grow in the next book! I would have to give this story a 9/10. Not to mention that the art looks very beautiful! One of the pictures made me flabbergasted at the amount of colors and detail in it. I added the soundtrack to my YouTube playlist as throughout the VN; the music enhances the scenes. For example, when Lyall's theme plays I get a sense of feeling safe in his presence and he is that person who you truly feel happy with.

I often be at a moment saying, "Damn, this music sounds really good!"

Keep up the great work and I subscribed to the patreon as well!

P.S. I love it when VN writers KNOW how to write complex characters because apparently some writers in the gaming industry can't write a complex character correctly leading to them being messed up!

Thank you so much, I'm glad you loved it!


I love it, Desde principio a fin como todo se complcia pasa el tiempo pero no importa que se complique siempre hay una luz y la luz de lyall es "nosotros" y la de "nosotros" es el...hay me encanto que mas que decir 10/10 no puedo esperar la segunda temporada.



i dont know what to say besides that even the word amazing cant describes how good the story was.

i  was left speechless within the last three chapters.

i thought i was gonna get sadness or happiness feelings in the ending like the others novel i read, but no.  Instead it was an excitement. well, probably because i knew there will be more story to tell. Cant wait for the part 2.

5/5 This is art


Thank you!


OMG, I cried while playing it, the music and the characters' emotions I felt were so real, after all I hope the main character and Lyall can be happy together at the end of their journey,  I feel quite scared that they can't be together if the main character will disappear after completing the mission of an avatar.


Is there more to come or is this story concluded?


*This* book is concluded, but there will be two more sequels released.


@atmac, you ok? I've been checking my almost bi-daily for half a year now, and your last post was over 90 days ago. Sorry if I'm being strange, I'm just worried. After all, this is the first, and best, VN I've ever read. I'm starting to worry something happened (like you got cancer or smth.) Good job on the VN and hope to see more soon. 


Everything's fine on my end! I post regular updates on my Twitter and I'm trying to post more on Patreon as I get things done. I'm just very busy right now with both life and working on Lyre's definitive edition, along with getting everything together for Dryz.


Sorry if I caused a hassle. I  don't have Twitter so I didn't realise. Sometimes I forget other people have lives too. Sorry!


Definitivamente uma das minhas VNs favoritas <3


Lyre is the only visual novel that I fell in love with more on my second read through. When I first had read through Lyre I had just finished Adastra and was expecting similar writing to it. I was disappointed at first until I realized that Lyre once you pass the first 2 or so chapters is a surprisingly complex and well written story with enjoyable and arguably better written characters than Adastra. Also lastly on a unrelated note. Lyall is best boy :


I am new to the world of furry visual novels and glad to say that Lyre is one of the first FVNs I've already read.


First and main reason why I'm so fond of this novel is it's plot. Story of a stigmated love amidst hostile environment of courtier games, treachery, deception and hypocracy. It's certainly a trial of will both for Knight and his Lord. And it's fascinating to see that they've chosen happiness, striving to it no matter what. Situation is gloomy for them, but they're certainly not left alone. Good Leif, righteous Eliza, Kadaj (Ambassador Floppa) who is loyal to Tygren and fair blacksmith Edan are amongst their allies as well as something beneath mortal's understanding.

Speaking of characters, they all of them are well-written. I think we all agree how interesting and relatable Richter and Lyall are, how caring and merciful Leif is, etc.

But let's talk about young heir Adrius, who is without any doubt a complete dastard. Yet his character is sort of understandable. Yes, his methods are awfully brutal, he doesn't mind getting rid even of closest people, if they are in the way of achieving goals.

Nonetheless, giving a better look on his personality, we can understand Adrius' motivation and relate to it.

Let's look from his perpective. In the past he was a cute little fawn, playing in royal garden. Everyone loved him and he loved everyone, and there was a person who shared the strongest bond with Adrius. His own mother, which was everything for him. And he lost her to some rascals, a member of royal family, the queen and his world were brutally slayed because politicians can't and seemingly don't even want to reach an agreement. 

Everyone are so slow, indifferent and not caring. Even Lyall, so tall, a growing warrior, was so slow, proved to be uncapable of fulfilling his one and only duty, to protect the queen. This wolf doesn't even deserves a name. It's a dog!

That is why Adrius has to be swift, desicive and determined. Even it mean wiping out everyone on his way. He doesn't want to be anything alike this slackers all around him. 

I'm not sure if he truly wants peace for the people of Lyre, but a complete change of personality is most certainly connected with his gestalt. And for that Adrius needs MORE POWER (He is the tempest that is approaching, provoking)!

Great character designs, as well as pleasant artstyle, picturesque views and great music creates a truly bewitching experience overall.

Also I find it funny enough that the game and most characters has some sort of parallel parallel with Adastra's cast :D :

Adastra-Lyre (both names given after places where plot is going on)

Parents-Tygren (divine forces playing around main scene)

Amicus—Lyall (Big caring black wolfs, both of noble families. One is himbo, other one is Geralt of Rivia)

Whole fragment where MC being imprisoned by a mad ruler and saved with his Wolf and providence itself.

Virginia—Eliza (Strong women characters, fair and capable of ruling country)

Cassius—Adrius (Vile lads with understandable motivation, both heirs)


By the way, Lyre is clearly offering us a different story. I am not 100% sure, but the inspiration by Adastra can be seen here, or vice versa.

Nevertheless, I am fond of this epic story and only looking forward for it's continuation in the next books. 8,5 of 10. Which is "Touching piece of art". Absolutely in love with it!


Im in awe due to this incredible noval, the art is wonderful and the storyline is very complex. 100% would recomend. THIS. IS. AMAZING!


Great game, can't wait to see what comes next in "Dryz"


Happy 3rd anniversary to Lyre 🎆


What an incredibly well crafted experience. The art, the worldbuilding, the music, the characters, the subtle details and the unsolved mysteries. I've enjoyed every part of this visual novel and I cannot wait for more. Thank you to the creators of this amazing journey.


hi I played Lyre and honestly I loved the characters, the story, the setting and the images I loved everything thank you very much for introducing me to a story as great and fantastic as it sounds and very honestly I can't wait for the release of Dryz I have palpitations in my stomach and it's not the palpitations of a "wolf" hunger you understand, in short I can't wait for the rest good luck , Good luck and keep it up.


Hello, I don't speak much English, so the text written in my native language will be below.
The exciting impulsive plot, soul-touching music, the sophistication of the scenes and the extreme smallness of NSFW content make this novel an amazing read.  I recommend it to everyone 💗

 Захватывающий импульсивный сюжет, затрагивающая душу музыка, изысканность сцен и крайняя малость NSFW контента делают данную новеллу потрясающей для прочтения.  Всем её рекомендую 💗


I love Lyre so much, the music, the detail and art are marvelous, it's absolutely incredible and indescribable. The creators and Atmac and everyone really put their heart into this admirable masterpiece. I LOVEEE ITTTT!!! THE LOREEE IS REALLL.


is very good, songs and history, all

very good


Cannot wait for DRYZ!!!! ;(




Wow...! This game was really great. I was deeply impressed by the play. Looking forward to the next work...!


This game got me holding my breath in anticipation. The art pieces are absolutely gorgeous, the characters are complex in their own way, the plot is well-written. What's not to love about this game?

Can't wait for Dryz to come out and be just as amazing as Lyre. 


This is so amazing! The art, music, and lore. I can only hope that Dryz, the next series will be as thrilling as this, keep up the good work, and I hope you success!

(1 edit) (+1)

Holy crap this is a amazing start to the series. The emotion and heart that is put in the writing is fantastic and it sometimes made me go crazy sometimes when it came to who my mind was leaning in favor of. The art and music are remarkable, the characters are so rich, and I absolutely can't wait for Dryz and what comes next for the series. 

Fantastic job!

Thanks! I hope everyone enjoys it.


I just realised there was an update so I immediately tuned in...


And the end credits 🤌🤌🤌 I know these things take time but I'm really looking forward to Dryz. I can also see changes in your style. You're illustrations have been improving! 

Thank you very much!

(1 edit) (+2)

It feels like chapter 13 is bigger then all previous ones and I LOVE it.

Also any way to get all bg art? Image gallery doesn’t include lots of it.


It's all in the game files and relatively easy to find.


Thanks, I though it’s kinda mean to do this without permission.


Do what?


Extract images from the game. Some creators give them as a reward for supporting, so I’d though it would be nice to ask before even looking if they’re encrypted at all.




(1 edit) (+1)

I finished in one night (3 hours) and i still need more :(




I have no idea how fast you need to read for that, I spend my 4th night reading this for 2 hours each time and still wondering how long chapter 13 is xd


The whole VN or just Chapter 13?

Because over 100k words in 3 hours

There WILL be a quiz.

(1 edit) (+1)

Why didn’t the wolves smell Adrius? Was it because they thought it was Raynar?


It will be touched on later


DRYZ is like a book 2 right this one is done but there is more on its way


More on the way! As soon as i can get ready for it.


wait is this the end  of the whole vn please  tell me its now 


What a gripping story! I ended up binging it, as I couldn't stop reading. Can't wait for Dryz!

(1 edit) (+1)

❄️🎉 Lyre is one of ✨️Special✨️ VNs, I loved the story, characters and pace. Atmac and his supporters did a great job and Dryz will definitely be ✨️.  

Add an Easter egg or smthn where if u tap a part of the screen on mobile 3 timed the SCP foundation shows up and just nukes adrius?


this is a work of art  🤌


😍 completely agree



Now I'm not saying that this is all MC's fault... but if he'd had comforted the child crying over his dead mother instead of getting with the dude he'd known for a month, none of this woulda happened XD. 

Even post-game I just wanna hug poor edgy Adrius. 


Knowing Adrius he would probably just chased him away anyway. Still would be the right thing to do tho


That's assuming that either the deed hadn't already been done or that Adrius would have been receptive, being caught in a vulnerable moment by the person he has absolute disdain for. 


I reacted the same way


but we were in a bad shape at that moment so I kiiindaa get it.


Fuyooo this vn is cool ngl 10/10

Deleted post

First of all, congratulations for finishing the first book :D. 

I just finished reading the novel (I had never read any previous version before) and I loved it, the drawing, the music, the story, the expressions, I really liked everything. 

I'm looking forward to Dryz <3 

The only thing I would have liked is that in the first chapter the relationship between Lyall and Richter would have been extended a little bit more (for example in the first dinner they had, I would have liked to see what they talked about, or the days they skipped, take advantage of one or the other to show how the connection between the two of them existed or grew. 

I think those simple/everyday moments are the ones that make you get attached to the characters and feel related/friended/acquainted with them).

And a little detail that I saw in the pc version, the normal thing is that when a character talks his silhouette appears in the textbox, sometimes the Richter appeared for a moment even if he wasn't talking and wasn't in that conversation and then he disappeared and the correct character appeared.

And in the mobile version, in the gallery, I think there is only one button to forward the images, so I had to flip through all the images to go back to see another one.

(I don't know if this only happened to me because of some installation/unzipping/downloading error).


Will Augustovich continue to make music for Lyre for book 2?

Augustovich passed away back in November of 2021.


😿 That’s so sad. Was there any unused music that can still be used? 

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

That's kind of a tone-deaf question. The person died and all that you are wondering if they had an unused music for some reason. What does this has to do with you anyway? I, for one, am think its none of your business.


Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for such a great read. I loved how you used music and programming to make some moments so special and impactful. 

Also, I appreciate that the MC is confident and ambitious. There's too many GFVNs where the MC is a bumbling, stumbling pile of awkwardness, and I appreciate the ones that don't fall into this trope.

Can't wait to hear news about Dryz!


Thanks for bringing into this world emotionally mature wolf husbando without childhood trauma. May Tygren bless your souls and minds for continuing this amazing story.

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